If summer 2013 was "The Summer of Family History" in my life then I plan to make 2014 "The Year of Family History" from January to December - including keeping up with this blog!
So far this year I've done more planning than executing, but it's early. I plan to identify and contact living relatives on as many branches as possible as I continue feeding my insatiable appetite for family photos.
I'm also undertaking the page-by-page scouring of the digitized Elgin Echo archives looking for mentions of ancestors and kinfolk. Since I'm related to nearly every person in that area, the work is long and tedious. I've completed 1902 and 1932 (not sure what prompted me to start with those random years). I'm working on 1905 now. I jump around in order to keep things interesting. I mean, I find it ALL interesting, but moving around years keeps new generations in the spotlight and keeps things fresh.
My next big adventure is actually a simple one. There are relatives in my own town with whom I have never discussed family history. Why? I don't know! I think I've taken for granted I could always call them. This year, I'm going to actually do it.
Those are my family history resolutions for the year. What are yours?