Saturday, December 29, 2012

Grandma Sabin's Archives: Photo 27



  1. Jasonian- I don't want to sound as if I now think every picture is Rosalie, but I brought in a couple of different people and placed all three pictures #20, #27 and #47 and the consensus was they were all the same. The only additional mystery is that when blowing up #27, there appears to be a wedding band on her finger and I wasn't aware she ever married. Again, your thoughts? - Derek

    1. I'm not so sure about this one, Derek. When I compare all three I think this one stands out. The eyes are darker than #20 and #47 and the face more narrow. The hair appears darker too. Rosa never married either, so I think if that's a wedding ring it helps rule her out. For a while I thought this was my great-great-great grandmother, Angelina (Jackson) Sabin, but that wasn't quite right either.

      There is another photo I think might be Rosa, but it looks like I forgot to post it on here! I am going to post it now as "Grandma Sabin's Archives: Photo 49" and you tell me what you think.

      - Jason

    2. Sorry, I meant it's posted as "Photo 51".

    3. Okay, so I already had it posted as Photo 22. I have too many photos to track! Please let me know what you think.


    4. I'm agreeing with you on this one...after a couple more views and another set of doesn't look like you'll be taking this photo off the unidentified list today.

      Do have another question for you. but didn't want to busy up this site with that. Would you mind emailing me at if or when you get the chance. Thanks, Derek

  2. I'm just glad my life doesn't depend on picking her out of a line-up! This one doesn't make the same connection for me as did #27, however, it's all a guessing game at this point. There weren't many photos that made it down to me, so I'm at quite a loss to identify anyone. Again, I'll have my uncle visit your site and see what he thinks.

    Thanks for your time Cousin! Derek
